My Sites - New Report for Website Tracking in AWR

Aug 13, 2019


min read

There are various scenarios when multiple websites or URLs need to be tracked within the same rank tracking project, to compare their performance:

  • Your website next to its most important competitors (one of the most typical setups)

  • Multiple URLs tracked, all from the same website

  • Variations of a single website or subdomains targeting different locations

and more.

With AWR, you can track up to 50 websites or URLs per project, and measure their performance side by side, through one of the dedicated SEO reports:

  • My Sites [new] - compare ranking performance of all webpages, for one keyword at a time

  • Comparison Websites - compare the websites' positions in SERP across the entire keyword list or by keyword group

  • Visibility Websites - compare visibility and other aggregated SERP performance metrics for tracked websites

  • Visibility SERP Features - compare how tracked websites perform in terms of SERP features.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the My Sites report, that brings together metrics from four different arenas to broaden your website performance monitoring and analysis.

Here’s what you’ll find inside.

Keyword performance

First off, the essential metrics for comparing your websites’ ranking performance for the targeted keyword: Position, Page and Best Position.

Screenshot with the AWR My Sites report that shows where each of your tracked websites is ranking, through metrics like Position, Best Position and Page.

SERP Features tracking

Add up the SERP Features ranking column to see who from your tracked websites is listed as special features in the selected SERP.

Screenshot with the specific column in the AWR My Sites report that shows the SERP Features for which your tracked websites are ranking for.

Top Keywords

Correlate with each website’s top performing keyword and get a better understanding of their potential in SERPs.

Screenshot with the AWR My Sites report that shows for each tracked website, the Top Keyword and its Search Volume.

Website prominence in SERP

And gain context for your analysis, by including the websites’ global SERP performance for the keyword set that you are tracking: the number of keywords for which websites are ranking and estimated organic visits driven from these keywords.

Screenshot with the AWR My Sites report that shows, the number of keywords for which each website is found ranking and the number of visits estimated to be driven from these keywords.

Give it a try!

Once you give the My Sites report a go, please let me know how it works for you. Would love to hear your feedback on this.

To explore this report with your own ranking data, be sure to log into your AWR account or start a free 30 days AWR trial, if you’re new to AWR.

Article by

Dana Zavaleanu

Dana leads the marketing team at AWR. Having 13+ years of experience in the industry, she's an all-round digital marketer, with a focus on search analytics and content. Say hello @dana_zavaleanu

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