5 Twitter Mistakes That Make Your Followers Ignore You

Jun 26, 2013


min read

Have you ever felt enormously frustrated that your hard built follower base is simply ignoring your tweets day after day? Could it be that you are doing something wrong that simply drives everyone away?

Let me give you a few things to think about.

First of all, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your followers. I know it sounds like a cliché but really, think about it!

How does everyone else sees you by looking at your tweets? Do you look like a warm and thoughtful friend, trying to help and connect or do you look like a heartless bot trying to push out as much content as possible?

And don't kid yourself thinking that you can fool easily. People often have an uncanny radar for spam messages and can often tell if a person is actually a person or a bot.

As a solution nowadays, it has become a trend for businesses to hire a trustworthy SEO service provider to take care of their Twitter account. But if it isn't your practice to have someone personally manage your Twitter accounts, you should at least refrain from committing the following blunders that will turn off followers:

Tweeting sessions

This is one of the biggest turn offs for Twitter users. It is never a good idea to tweet 10, 25, 20 messages in rapid succession.

The same goes for being too noisy. It hints too much of automatically-generated tweets. Even if you're not a bot, your followers will still see your tweets as programmed “to do's” and will easily get irritated with you for flooding their newsfeeds.

They will get the impression that you're too much of an attention-seeker and would rather read other people's tweets.

Advertising or promoting to the max

People today are mostly allergic to advertisements, and if you do too much of that on Twitter, you're making your followers allergic to... YOU.

However, occasional promotions are acceptable, especially if they are accompanied with jokes and personal messages.


Hashtag stuffing

This is very similar to over-promoting. Too many hashtags make your tweets seem desperate as well as difficult and annoying to read.

Even if your followers won't unfollow you, they would probable ignore these tweets anyway so it's best not to exaggerate.

Using templates for replies

Imagine that you send a heartfelt message to a celebrity you admire so much. You spent a long time composing that message and making it as perfect as you can, then all you get in reply is a "Thank you! Stay tuned for more updates on my work!"

That would suck big time!

For many people, this is a legitimate reason already to stop following an account. After all, what people want to do or experience on Twitter is interaction. If all a person wants are updates, he won't bother following you; he'd just go to your official website or watch out for news. This doesn't mean you're obligated to respond to every tweet, but if each time you do, make sure it is a genuine reply.

Following too many people

If the number of people you follow is too large compared to the number of people that follow you, then you definitely look like a spammer. The technique of bulk following people just to get them to follow you back is common and is damaging your image.

Anyone looking for an authority in your niche will hesitate to follow you.

Isn't it that people in authority often have thousands of followers and only a handful of follows? Consider Matt Cutts for instance:


Now that is a very believable set of statistics for a person of authority. If you look at who are the people he's following, for sure you'd find other individuals who are considered authorities in technology and IT as well.

Should you Worry?

If you set out any expectations from your Twitter profile, then do worry. Just take a step back from your set marketing goals and look at your profile through the eyes of your followers. Do you like what you see?

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are the views of the author, and not necessarily the views of Caphyon, its staff, or its partners.

Article by

Emma-Julie Fox

Emma-Julie Fox writes for Pitstop Media Inc, a Vancouver company that provides SEO services to businesses across North America. If you would like to invite the author to write on your blog too please contact www.pitstopmedia.com

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